Risk Assessment

We Prepare Healthcare Practices and Businesses

Healthcare Compliance Agency provides comprehensive compliance risk assessment services to nationwide healthcare providers. Our goal is to ensure your practice or organization complies with healthcare laws, rules, and regulations regarding patient care and privacy. Our process helps healthcare reduce low- and high-risk areas that could eventually become non-compliant. We comprise a full, highly experienced legal team that works in all areas of the healthcare sector. We will serve you to keep your organization within compliance standards.
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Ensuring Your Practice Stays Protected

We offer an effective process for evaluating your compliance risks and managing them. The steps include risk assessment, risk remediation, risk monitoring & auditing, and risk reporting. Our services are designed to prepare healthcare providers for compliance changes and meet their immediate needs. Risk management is ongoing and will keep you within the bounds of healthcare laws, rules, and regulations. We offer the healthcare industry strategic solutions to their compliance needs, protecting practitioners now and in the future.

Why Compliance Risk Assessment Matters

Compliance Risk Assessments (CRAs) are essential to practices and businesses because they identify, prioritize and control risks. They protect the healthcare sector from violating regulatory standards and slipping into non-compliance. The consequences of you becoming non-compliant include fines, a tarnished reputation, and legal action. Your practice or business may even shut down because of violating compliance standards. By providing CRAs, we can detect deficiencies, inefficiencies, and risk exposures to strengthen your compliance plan. We aim to protect businesses and healthcare practitioners from legal and reputation ramifications.

Risk Assessment

We identify and analyze compliance risks with a comprehensive view of your regulatory requirements like referral sources, HIPAA privacy and security, claims development, and submission.

Risk Remediation

We prioritize the most severe risks and rank them all. Then, we devise a work plan to mitigate them and implement protective policies, procedures, and controls.

Risk Monitoring & Auditing

This ongoing step includes further policy and procedural development. It also includes auditing policy and procedural effectiveness.

Risk Reporting

The final step comprises developing a full formal report to present to your executives and Board of Directors, detailing risk areas, their risk level, and best auditing, monitoring, and remediation practices.

Guiding and Advising In-House Compliance Teams

During the remediation phase, we can educate and train your in-house compliance team to ready them for the future. After we're done educating them, they should be prepared and able to identify risks, understand what causes them, and how to successfully manage and mitigate them themselves. We provide a hands-on approach for our clients, teaching them the complexities of compliance and how to navigate it effectively. Healthcare Compliance Agency will provide strategic plans and guidance on aligning your organization with compliance standards.

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