
Serving Healthcare Throughout the Country

Healthcare Compliance Agency comprises healthcare compliance investigators nationwide, ensuring doctors and practitioners follow compliance guidelines, rules, and regulations. You can rely on our legal team, consultants, and investigators to provide our compliance assessments with objectivity. We provide comprehensive examinations and develop training programs for the healthcare industry. We'll equip your organization with the resources, systems, and knowledge for you to conduct investigations fairly and according to the law. You'll be prepared to handle high-risk compliance issues with ease.
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Strategic Consulting and Customized Services

We advise, guide, and counsel healthcare practices and organizations from all fields and sectors. Our legal team and consultants have years of experience investigating healthcare compliance and teaching teams how to conduct their own properly. As a full-service center, we can help doctors, dentists, urgent care facilities, physical therapists, and more. We also perform assessments and reviews for medical and dental boards, determining high-risk violation areas. Our services are available for large-scale operations and health and wellness practices.

Readying Your Organization for an Investigation

Proper investigations begin with thorough evaluations, planning, and strategizing. We start developing programs by first taking a gap analysis of your employees, systems, controls, and operations. It gives us invaluable insight into your system's current performance and helps us determine where your organization needs support and development. After implementing solutions in the areas that need to be covered, we will educate your team on properly conducting future investigations. Our goal is to help you meet your expectations.

Investigation Programs

We analyze your systems and employees to develop effective policies and procedures to protect you and your patients.

Investigation Training

We teach in-house teams how and when to conduct investigations, gather documentation and evidence, prepare witnesses and statements, and handle disciplinary actions.

Managed Care Investigations

We offer specialized services for Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) to help them identify and prevent healthcare fraud.

We Seek to Understand Your Entire Operation

At Healthcare Compliance Agency, having a complete understanding of your practice, business, or organization is essential to devising the programs you need. By understanding your strengths and weaknesses, we'll grow your healthcare operation where needed and enhance its effectiveness. Healthcare providers who partner with us become more careful and ethical in their investigative approach. We'll help you conduct comprehensive examinations and reach favorable, fair conclusions. You'll feel confident knowing your internal investigation capabilities are prepared and equipped to fulfill their duties.

Your Shield

of Protection

Learn How Our Innovative Healthcare Compliance Services Can Keep You Protected

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